Thursday, June 06, 2024

Engr. Aneel Kumar

Voltage Fluctuations and Lamp Flicker

Understanding Voltage Flicker

Voltage flicker is caused by small, rapid changes in voltage levels, which can result in noticeable variations in light output. This flicker is particularly annoying to human observers and can impact productivity and comfort.

Sources of Voltage Flicker

Common sources include large motor starts, fluctuating industrial loads, and arc furnaces. These sources cause periodic voltage drops that lead to flicker.

Mitigating Voltage Flicker

Mitigation strategies include:

Smoothing Loads: Using soft starters for motors to reduce sudden load changes.
Voltage Regulation: Employing voltage regulators to maintain stable voltage levels.
Improved Infrastructure: Upgrading the electrical infrastructure to handle variable loads more effectively.

Engr. Aneel Kumar -

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