Thursday, December 06, 2018

Engr. Aneel Kumar


A structural design project may be divided into three phases, i.e. planning, design and construction. 


This phase involves consideration of the various requirements and factors affecting the general layout and dimensions of the structure and results in the choice of one or perhaps several alternative types of structure, which offer the best general solution. The primary consideration is the function of the structure. Secondary considerations such as aesthetics, sociology, law, economics and the environment may also be taken into account. In addition there are structural and constructional requirements and limitations, which may affect the type of structure to be designed. 


This phase involves a detailed consideration of the alternative solutions defined in the planning phase and results in the determination of the most suitable proportions, dimensions and details of the structural elements and connections for constructing each alternative structural arrangement being considered. 


This phase involves mobilization of personnel; procurement of materials and equipment, including their transportation to the site, and actual on-site erection. During this phase, some redesign may be required if unforeseen difficulties occur, such as unavailability of specified materials or foundation problems.
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Friday, November 30, 2018

Engr. Aneel Kumar

Hipot Test | AC Versus DC Hipot Testing

The Hipot Test (Dielectric Voltage Withstand)

The Hipot test is the most common type of safety test. This test is designed to stress a product’s insulation beyond what it would encounter during normal use. The reasoning behind this test is that if the insulation can withstand high voltage for short period of time, it will be safe to use at nominal voltage throughout its useful life.

One of the main advantages of the Hipot test is its versatility. In addition to measuring leakage currents and detecting breakdowns, you can also use it to detect: 
  • Material and workmanship defects. 
  • Weak points in the insulation. 
  • Small gap spacing between conductors. Air is just an insulator and Hipot voltage will “jump” through the air across gaps that are too small. 
  • Condensation, dirt and contaminants in the insulation.
When running a Hipot test, high voltage is applied to the mains conductors (LINE and NEUTRAL). The Hipot return point is connected to the bare metal chassis of the fan. You’re essentially creating a capacitor, where the product insulation is the dielectric material. The Hipot tester measures the resulting leakage current fl owing through the insulation (represented as capacitors between mains and ground).

Leakage Current and Dielectric Breakdown

Any electrical device will produce small levels of leakage current due to the voltages and internal capacitance present within the product. Under normal circumstances this leakage current isn’t large enough to be perceived by the human body. Yet due to design flaws or manufacturing defects the insulation in a product can break down, resulting in excessive leakage current fl ow. This is exactly what a Hipot test is designed to check.

Dielectric breakdown is defined as the failure of insulation to prevent the fl ow of current. The best indication of dielectric breakdown is a leakage current measurement significantly higher than the nominal current measurement. The maximum leakage current is dependent upon the test voltage; therefore, the leakage current will vary depending upon the product being tested.

AC and DC Hipot Tests

AC and DC Hipot tests have advantages and disadvantages that become evident depending on the characteristics of the DUT. Below is list of advantages and disadvantages of both type of Hipot tests.

AC Hipot Test


  • Slow ramping of the test voltage isn’t necessary due to the changing polarity of the applied waveform.
  • It is unnecessary to discharge the DUT after AC testing. 
  • AC testing stresses the insulation alternately in both polarities. This makes it a more stringent Hipot test.

  • Measures only the total leakage current (from capacitive and resistive elements).
  • Requires a large Hipot transformer due to measuring the total leakage current.

DC Hipot Test


  • The test can be performed at a much lower current level, saving power and with less risk to the test operator.
  • Leakage current measurement is a more accurate representation of the real current. This is due to the insulation capacitance charging after the ramp up cycle.
  • DC testing is the only option for some circuit components such as diodes and larger capacitance values
  • Must ramp up the test voltage so inrush leakage does not exceed Hipot tester’s capability. 
  • Must discharge the DUT at the end of the test. 
  • Only stresses insulation in one polarity. Not as stressful of a Hipot test. 
  • Not always accepted by safety agencies.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Engr. Aneel Kumar


There are several types of the electronic circuitry used within battery chargers for the marine market.


These use a low-frequency MAGNETIC control system, which makes them very HEAVY, very BULKY and is also only available with a poor FLOAT charge characteristic, therefore very SLOW recharging. They can also generate a large magnetic field which can upset other equipment on board. On the plus side, they are CHEAP and RELIABLE due to the low number of components used and they tend to appeal to boat-builders who put the price at the top of their list of priorities. 


These also use a low-frequency transformer to reduce the input voltage to a lower level but then use transistors to control the current and voltage fed to the battery. This technique can be used for either FLOAT or 3-STAGE chargers but is very IN-EFFICIENT and therefore HOT, HEAVY and BULKY. The biggest drawback is a LIMITED INPUT VOLTAGE range - not ideal for running from a generator or some marina supplies. 


These are more complicated than the previous two types and use the techniques perfected for and now universally used in computers and televisions. The AC input is first turned into high-voltage DC. It is then turned into high-frequency AC using special types of transistor and a high-frequency transformer (one-thirtieth the weight of a low-frequency transformer!) reduces the voltage to the exact level needed to charge the battery. A sophisticated control circuit produces an overall design with HIGH-EFFICIENCY, SMALL SIZE and LIGHT WEIGHT. The extra complexity adds to the initial cost but results in lower running costs and the ability to run from a SMALLER (and cheaper) GENERATOR if required. Switched mode chargers can be either FLOAT or 3-STAGE types.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Engr. Aneel Kumar


The LC and RC oscillators have their own limitations. The major problem in such circuits is that their operating frequency does not remain strictly constant. There are two principal reasons for it viz., 
  1. As the circuit operates, it will warm up. Consequently, the values of resistors and inductors, which are the frequency determining factors in these circuits, will change with temperature. This causes the change in frequency of the oscillator. 
  2. If any component in the feedback network is changed, it will shift the operating frequency of the oscillator. 
However, in many applications, it is desirable and necessary to maintain the frequency constant with extreme low tolerances. For example, the frequency tolerance for a broadcasting station should not exceed 0.002% i.e. change in frequency due to any reason should not be more than 0.002% of the specified frequency. The broadcasting stations have frequencies which are quite close to each other. In fact, the frequency difference between two broadcasting stations is less than 1%. It is apparent that if we employ LC or RC circuits, a change of temperature may cause the frequencies of adjacent broadcasting stations to overlap. In order to maintain constant frequency, piezoelectric crystals are used in place of LC or RC circuits. Oscillators of this type are called crystal oscillators. The frequency of a crystal oscillator changes by less than 0.1% due to temperature and other changes. Therefore, such oscillators offer the most satisfactory method of stabilizing the frequency and are used in great majority of electronic applications.
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Engr. Aneel Kumar


An electronic device that generates sinusoidal oscillations of desired frequency is known as a sinusoidal oscillator. Oscillator does not create energy, but merely acts as an energy converter. It receives DC energy and changes it into AC energy of desired frequency. The frequency of oscillations depends upon the constants of the device. Although an alternator produces sinusoidal oscillations of 50Hz, it cannot be called an oscillator. Firstly, an alternator is a mechanical device having rotating parts whereas an oscillator is a non-rotating electronic device. Secondly, an alternator converts mechanical energy into AC energy while an oscillator converts DC energy into AC energy. Thirdly, an alternator cannot produce high frequency oscillations whereas an oscillator can produce oscillations ranging from a few Hz to several MHz. 
  • Although oscillations can be produced by mechanical devices (e.g. alternators), but electronic oscillators have the following advantages: 
  • An oscillator is a non-rotating device. Consequently, there is little wear and tear and hence longer life. 
  • Due to the absence of moving parts, the operation of an oscillator is quite silent. 
  • An oscillator can produce waves from small (20 Hz) to extremely high frequencies (> 100 MHz). 
  • The frequency of oscillations can be easily changed when desired. 
  • It has good frequency stability i.e. frequency once set remains constant for a considerable period of time. 
  • It has very high efficiency
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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Engr. Aneel Kumar


A weld joint refers to how the parts to be joined are assembled prior to welding. There are five basic types of joints used in welding which are Butt, Lap, Corner, T & Edge. 

The metal to be joined is called the base metal. If the part to be welded is not metal, it is called base material. It is also known as work piece or work. The edge of base metal are often machined, sheared, gouged, flame cut, or bent to prepare them for welding. Weld joint design and metal thickness usually determine how the joint is prepared. Generally, the weld joint design is determined by an engineer.


  • Joins two members that meet at their edges on the same plane 
  • Used in applications where a smooth weld face is required 
  • Fillet or groove welded; groove welding requires added expertise and expense 
  • Improper design/welding risks distortion and residual stresses


  • Joins two members that meet at a T-shaped angle 
  • Good mechanical properties, especially when welded from both sides 
  • Easily welded with little or no joint preparation 
  • Usually fillet welded, although J-grooves are possible


  • Joins two members having overlapping surfaces 
  • Good mechanical properties, especially when welded from both sides 
  • Usually fillet welded 
  • Thicker material requires more overlap


  • Joins two members that meet at an angle 
  • Two main types: open corner and closed corner 
  • Easily welded with little or no joint preparation 
  • Increase travel speed on light-gauge material to avoid burn-through


  • Joins two parallel, or nearly parallel, members 
  • Not recommended if either member will be subject to impact or high stresses 
  • Square groove is most common, but other groove configurations are possible 
  • Very deep penetration is impossible
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