Saturday, October 15, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


Although both transistors and grid-controlled tubes (e.g. triode, tetrode and pentode) can render the job of amplification, they differ in the following respects:
  1. The electron tube is a voltage driven device while transistor is a current operated device.
  2. The input and output impedances of the electron tubes are generally quite large. On the other hand, input and output impedances of transistors are relatively small.
  3. Voltages for transistor amplifiers are much smaller than those of tube amplifiers.
  4. Resistances of the components of a transistor amplifier are generally smaller than the resistances of the corresponding components of the tube amplifier.
  5. The capacitances of the components of a transistor amplifier are usually larger than the corresponding components of the tube amplifier.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


The main difference between a STATCOM and an SVC is the way they operate: a STATCOM works as a controllable voltage source while an SVC works as a dynamically controllable reactance connected in parallel.

Compared with an SVC, a STATCOM offers the possibility of feeding the grid with the maximum available reactive current even at low voltage levels, this is possible because in every equilibrium condition the injected reactive power varies linearly with the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). In contrast, for an SVC there is a quadratic dependence of the reactive power on the voltage at the PCC which means that to inject the same reactive power it is necessary to install an SVC with a nominal capacity higher than that of a STATCOM.
With regard to the maximum transient capacitive current it is observed that in an SVC the capacitive current is limited by the size of the capacitor and by the magnitude of the AC voltage. In the case of a STATCOM the maximum capacitive current that can be injected is limited by the maximum current capacity of the semiconductors used and is independent of the voltage level at the PCC.

Another feature of a STATCOM is that the DC-link capacitor serves as storage for active power. Therefore in certain situations, depending on the capacitor size, it is possible to regulate the interchange of active power with the grid also.

STATCOM devices are capable of much faster dynamic reaction (1/4-1 cycle) than an SVC. In a STATCOM the speed of response is limited by the commutation frequency of the IGBT’s (normally 1 kHz).
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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


It is assumed here that the transmission has multiple grounding points at wye connected transformer neutrals, located throughout the system. When this condition is satisfied, any arcing fault between a phase conductor and the ground will be supplied by zero-sequence currents originating in the neutral connection of the high-voltage transformer banks. We often refer to these neutral connections as the "sources" of ground current, since very little current would flow to the ground fault if there were no grounded neutrals to provide a complete circuit for the fault current. When there are multiple ground sources, the current flowing to the ground may be very large.

Any current flowing to the ground contains zero-sequence components and, under grounded conditions, a zero-sequence voltage will be measured at any nearby relay installation. Negative-sequence currents and voltages will also be observed, and these are sometimes used by the protective system. However, most ground relay systems depend on detecting zero-sequence currents, for this is a sure sign of an abnormal system condition. No significant zero-sequence currents flow during normal operation of the power system, with those that do appear being the result of the unbalance in the operating condition of the three phases. These unbalanced currents are very small compared to fault currents, so it is a good approximation to think of the normal power system as being free of zero-sequence voltages or currents. This is the first principle of ground fault relaying, namely, that a unique type of current exists during a ground fault and the relay needs only to be designed to detect the zero-sequence current in order to make positive identification of a ground fault.
Zero-sequence currents are confronted by zero-sequence impedances that depend on the structure of the power system. This structure does not change based on the loading of the power system, and changes only when switching occurs. Therefore, except for occasional switching, the zero-sequence impedances are almost constants. The zero-sequence impedance is affected by the generation and will change slightly as generators are added or removed. However, the line impedances are more important than the generator impedances for most fault currents. This situation is quite different from positive-sequence currents, which fluctuate with the loadings of the lines as they respond to system load and generation changes. This is the second principle of ground relaying, viz., that the impedance seen by the zero-sequence fault currents are nearly constant from maximum load to minimum load conditions.

Another characteristic of the zero-sequence network is the magnitude of the impedance of the transmission lines. Zero-sequence line impedance is two to six times greater than positive-sequence line impedance. This means that, over the length of a transmission line, there will be a large difference in impedance seen by the fault current as the fault is moved from one end of the line to the other. It should be noted that this may not be true if the line is mutually coupled with another nearby transmission line. There are two important points to observe here. First, there is a large difference in the fault current as the fault is moved from the relay location to the far end of the line. Second, the source impedances are usually small compared to the line impedance, hence the far-end fault currents are about the same at both ends.

Another requirement of ground faults is the need to determine the direction of the fault current. For a radial line, there is no problem in determining the direction of current flow, but this is not true in other parts of a power system. For this reason, many ground relays are directional relays. In order to get a sense of zero-sequence current direction, it is necessary to have a reference current or voltage against which the actual fault current can be compared.

This type of comparison is called polarization. By means of polarization, it is possible for the ground relay to determine if the fault is ahead or behind the relay location, giving the relay a measurement of the current direction as well as its magnitude.
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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


An important aspect of transmission line protection is related to the fast detection and clearing of ground faults on transmission systems that have grounded neutrals. In the protection of transmission lines, ground faults are given special treatment. Ground faults are detected using different relays than those used for phase faults, although it is possible that phase relays may detect and properly clear ground faults. Ground relays, however, take advantage of unique features of the power system that make it possible to detect grounded conditions very quickly.

Most high-voltage and extra-high voltage transmission lines are grounded neutral transmission systems, either solidly grounded or grounded through a resistance or a reactance. It has been estimated that, on these high-voltage systems, over 90% of all transmission line faults are ground faults. It has been observed by one protection engineer that, on 500 kV transmission lines, one-line-to-ground faults "predominate to the extent that on many well designed circuits, no other type of fault has ever occurred, even after years of service". It may be noted that some faults involve phase-to-phase as well as ground short circuits, but the ground relays pick up these faults before the phase relays. On the system referenced, the ground relays are applied on the basis of two principles.
  1. Install only those relays that are required to properly protect the line.
  2. Provide redundancy in the form of two completely independent relay schemes at each line terminal.
The first principle refers to the dependability of the installed systems to properly perform correct detection and tripping to clear the fault, without unnecessary trips, and with all necessary speed. This means that the relays are not set to operate at the fastest possible speed, but as fast as is reasonably possible following detection and analysis of the observed system condition. The redundancy principle guards against the unobserved failure of one relay system by having a second system installed that is fully capable of performing the ground relaying function. These principles, or similar ones, are followed by many utilities.

Because of the high incidence of ground faults, it is important that transmission protection include a well-designed ground relaying system that embraces the two basic principles stated above.
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Engr. Aneel Kumar


There are three basic types of relays that are used for ground relaying; overcurrent relays, distance relays, and pilot relays. Ground relays are almost always completely independent of phase relays, even though any fault current, including ground fault current, will flow through one or more of the phase relays. The ground relays, however, can be provided with much greater sensitivity to the zero-sequence currents by using higher tap settings. This means that the ground relays will pick up much faster than phase relays for a fault involving the ground.

Directional or non-directional overcurrent relays are widely used at most voltage levels because of their low cost and reliable service record. Many relay engineers prefer an overcurrent relay with an inverse or very inverse time-current characteristic. This means that the pickup will be very fast for close-in faults and delayed for faults at the end of the transmission line.

This delay makes coordination with adjacent lines relatively easy because of the rapid change in fault current for the more remote faults. The ground relay must coordinate with bus differential relays, as well as ground relays on any outgoing lines at the remote end.

In systems with multiple grounds, which is usually the case, the ground overcurrent relays will need to be directional relays. The ground relays in a looped system must be coordinated all around the loop in both directions, in exactly the same way that phase relays are coordinated. This is a cut and try process.
Instantaneous overcurrent relays are usually applied to supplement the ground fault protection when overcurrent relays are used. Instantaneous ground relays can reduce the fault clearing time to about one cycle in many cases, for faults on a large fraction of the line length.

Directional ground distance relays are responsive to impedance or reactance between the relay and the fault. These relays, although more expensive than overcurrent relays, can provide almost instantaneous protection for most of the line length. For many years, distance relays were not widely used for ground protection due to the inherent problem of measuring zero-sequence impedance or reactance in the presence of a fault. Ground faults usually involve fault resistance of widely varying magnitude. This may prevent the relay from responding to a ground fault. Some relay engineers back up ground distance relays with overcurrent relays to make sure that all faults are recognized in a timely way. Many of the problems associated with ground distance relays have been solved by newer devices, making this a good alternative where overcurrent or directional overcurrent coordination is a problem.

Pilot relaying is used for ground protection in special cases where the other methods are inadequate for reasons of security or dependability. Pilot relays use either directional comparison or phase comparison to determine if the fault is within the protected zone. This might be a good solution for a three-terminal line, for example, where other types of relays are difficult to coordinate. Pilot relaying is sometimes selected on the more important lines because of the high speed and security offered by the pilot schemes. Some engineers argue that pilot relays are not required for ground fault protection, but should be used where stability or other considerations make it necessary to have both terminals of the transmission line tripped at the same time.
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Engr. Aneel Kumar


There are several ways in which the system and the generator may interact with subsynchronous effects. A few of these interactions are basic in concept and have been given special names which are discussed here.

•Induction generator effect
• Torsional interaction
• Transient torque

Induction generator effect (IGE) is caused by self-excitation of the electrical network. The resistance of the generator to subsynchronous current, viewed looking into the generator at the armature terminals, is a negative resistance over much of the subsynchronous frequency range. This is typical of any voltage source in any electric network. The network also presents-a resistance to these same currents that is a positive resistance. However, if the negative resistance of the generator is greater in magnitude than the positive resistance of the network at one of the network natural frequencies, growing subsynchronous currents can be expected. This is the condition known as the induction generator effect. Should this condition occur, the generator may experience subsynchronous torques at or near a natural shaft frequency, which may cause large and sustained oscillations that could be damaging to the shaft.

Torsional interaction occurs when a generator is connected to a series compensated network, which has one or more natural frequencies that are synchronous frequency complements of one or more of the torsional natural modes of the turbine-generator shaft. When this happens, generator rotor oscillations will build up and this motion will induce armature voltage components at both subsynchronous and super-synchronous frequencies. Moreover, the induced subsynchronous frequency voltage is phased to sustain the subsynchronous torque. If this torque equals or exceeds the inherent mechanical damping of the rotating system, the system will become self-excited. This phenomenon is called torsional interaction (TI).
The network may be capable of many different subsynchronous natural frequencies, depending on the number of lines with series compensation and the degree of compensation installed on each line. Moreover, switching of the network lines can cause these natural frequencies, as viewed from the generator, to change. The engineer must evaluate the network frequencies under all possible switching conditions to determine all possible conditions that may be threatening to the generators. Another condition that can greatly increase the number of discrete network subsynchronous frequencies is the outage of series capacitor segments. The series compensation in high-voltage systems usually consists of several capacitor segments that are connected in series, with each series segment consisting of parallel capacitors as required to carry the line current. This permits individual segments to be removed from service for maintenance and still permit nearly normal loading of the lines. However, individual segments can fail, thereby changing the network natural frequencies and greatly increasing the number of possible frequencies that can be observed from an individual generator. This increases the work required to document and analyze the network frequencies as seen by each generating station.

Another possible source of subsynchronous currents is the presence in the network of HVDC converter stations. The controls of these converters are very fast in their control of the power, but the controls can have other modes of oscillation that may be close to a natural mode of oscillation of a nearby generator. Systems that include HVDC converters also must be carefully checked to see if these controls might induce subsynchronous currents in the generator stators, leading to torsional interaction.

Transient torques are torques that result from large system disturbances, such as faults. System disturbances cause sudden changes in the network, resulting in sudden changes in currents with components that oscillate at the natural frequencies of the network. In a transmission system without series capacitors, these transients are always de transients, which decay to zero with a time constant that depends on the ratio of inductance to resistance. For networks that contain series capacitors, the transient currents will contain one or more oscillatory frequencies that depend on the network capacitance as well as the inductance and resistance. In a simple radial R-L-C system, there will be only one such natural frequency. If any of these frequencies coincide with the complement of one of the natural modes of shaft oscillation, there can be peak torques that are quite large and these torques are directly proportional to the magnitude of the oscillating current. Currents due to short circuits, therefore, can produce very large shaft torques both when the fault is applied and also when it is cleared. In a real power system there may be many different subsynchronous frequencies involved and the analysis is quite complex.

Of the three different types of interactions described above, the first two, IGE and TI, may be considered as small disturbance conditions, at least initially. The third type, transient torque, is definitely not a small disturbance and nonlinearities of the system also enter into the analysis. From the viewpoint of analysis, it is important to note that the induction generator and torsional interaction effects may be analyzed using linear methods. Eigenvalue analysis is appropriate for the study of these problems and the results of eigenvalue studies give both the frequencies of oscillation and also the damping of each oscillatory mode. The other method used for linear analysis is called the frequency scan method, where the network seen by the generator is also modeled as a function of frequency and the frequency is varied over a wide range of subsynchronous values. This requires that the generator be represented as a tabulation of generator impedance as a function of subsynchronous frequency, which must be provided by the generator manufacturer. This is considered the best model of the generator performance at subsynchronous frequencies, and is often the preferred method of analysis, with eigenvalue analysis used as a complementary check on the frequency scan results.
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Monday, May 30, 2016

Mehak Cloth's


Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) is one of the most popular access methods, with CSMA/CD, every host has equal access to the wire and can place data on the wire when the wire is free from traffic. If a host wishes to place data on the wire, it will “sense” the wire and determine whether there is a signal already on the wire. If there is, the host will wait to transmit the data; if the wire is free, the host will send the data, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A host "sensing" the wire to see if it is free of traffic.

The problem with the process just described is that, if there are two systems on the wire that “sense” the wire at the same time to see if the wire is free, they will both send data out at the same time if the wire is free. When the two pieces of data are sent out on the wire at the same time, they will collide with one another, and the data will be destroyed. If the data is destroyed in transit, the data will need to be retransmitted. Consequently, after a collision, each host will wait a variable length of time before retransmitting the data (they don’t want the data to collide again), thereby preventing a collision the second time. When a system determines that the data has collided and then retransmits the data, that is known as collision detection.

 To summarize, CSMA/CD provides that before a host sends data on the network, it will “sense” (CS) the wire to ensure that the wire is free of traffic. Multiple systems have equal access to the wire (MA), and if there is a collision, a host will detect that collision (CD) and retransmit the data.

Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) is not as popular as CSMA/CD and for good reason. With CSMA/CA, before a host sends data on the wire, it will “sense” the wire as well to see if the wire is free of signals. If the wire is free, it will try to “avoid” a collision by sending a piece of “dummy” data on the wire first to see whether it collides with any other data. If it does not collide, the host in effect assumes “If my dummy data did not collide, then the real data will not collide,” and it submits the real data on the wire.
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Mehak Cloth's


Networks are built using a topology of bus, star, or ring, but how the systems will be connected in the topology that you choose. Cabling is the medium for the transmission of data between hosts on the LANs. LANs can be connected together using a variety of cable types, such as unshielded twisted-pair, coax, or fiber. Each cable type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There are three primary types of cable media that can be used to connect systems to a network:
  1. Coaxial cable
  2. Twisted-pair cable
  3. Fiber-optic cable
Transmission rates that can be supported on each of these physical media are measured in millions of bits per second, or megabits per second (Mbps).

Coaxial, or coax, cable looks like the cable used to bring the cable TV signal to your television. One strand (a solid-core copper wire) runs down the middle of the cable. Around that strand is a layer of insulation, and covering that insulation is braided wire and metal foil, which shields against electromagnetic interference. A final layer of insulation covers the braided wire. Because of the layers of insulation, coaxial cable is more resistant to outside interference than other cabling, such as unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. Figure 1 shows a coaxial cable with the copper core and the layers of insulation.
Figure 1: Coaxial Cable
There are two types of coax cabling: thinnet and thicknet. The two differ in thickness and maximum cable distance that the signal can travel.

This refers to RG-58 cabling, which is a flexible coaxial cable about ¼-inch thick. Thinnet is used for short-distance communication and is flexible enough to facilitate routing between workstations. Thinnet connects directly to a workstation’s network adapter card using a British naval connector (BNC) and uses the network adapter card’s internal transceiver. The maximum length of thinnet is 185 meters. Figure 1.1 displays thinnet coaxial cabling and the BNC connector on the end.
Figure 1.1: Thinnet Coaxial Cable with a BNC Connector
This coaxial cable, also known as RG-8, gets its name by being a thicker cable than thinnet. Thicknet cable is about ½-inch thick and can support data transfer over longer distances than thinnet. Thicknet has a maximum cable length of 500 meters and usually is used as a backbone to connect several smaller thinnet-based networks. Due to the thickness of ½ inch, this cable is harder to work with than thinnet cable. A transceiver often is connected directly to the thicknet cable using a connector known as a vampire tap. Connection from the transceiver to the network adapter card is made using a drop cable to connect to the adapter unit interface (AUI) port connector.

Twisted-pair cabling gets its name by having four pairs of wires that are twisted to help reduce crosstalk or interference from outside electrical devices. (Crosstalk is interference from adjacent wires.) Figure 2 shows a twisted-pair cable. 
There are two forms of twisted-pair cabling unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP).
Figure 2: Twisted-Pair Cable
Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cables are familiar to you if you have worked with telephone cable. The typical twisted-pair cable for network use contains four pairs of wires. Each member of the pair of wires contained in the cable is twisted around the other. The twists in the wires help shield against electromagnetic interference. The maximum distance of UTP is 100 meters.

UTP cable uses small plastic connectors designated as registered jack 45, or most often referred to as RJ-45. RJ-45 is similar to the phone connectors, except that instead of four wires, as found in the home system, the network RJ-45 connect to contains eight contacts, one for each wire in a UTP cable. The bottom cable in Figure 2.1 is an RJ-45 connector.

It can be easy to confuse the RJ-45 connector with the RJ-11 connector. The RJ-11 connector is a telephone connector and is shown in Figure 2.1 (the cable on the top). In an RJ-11 connector, there are four contacts; hence there are four wires found in the telephone cable. With RJ-45 and RJ-11, you will need a special crimping tool when creating the cables to make contact between the pins in the connector and the wires inside the cable.

UTP cabling has different flavors, known as grades or categories. Each category of UTP cabling was designed for a specific type of communication or transfer rate.
Figure 2.1: RJ-11 Connector and an RJ-45 Connector
CAT 5 UTP cabling usually uses only four wires when sending and receiving information on the network. The four wires of the eight that are used are wires 1, 2, 3, and 6. Figure shows the meaning of the pins on a computer and the pins on a hub (or switch), which is what you typically will be connecting the computers to. When you configure the wire for the same pin at either end of the cable, this is known as a straight-through cable.
Figure : Pinout Diagram for a Straight-Through Cable
You will see in the figure that wires 1 and 2 are used to transmit data (TX) from the computer, while wires 3 and 6 are used to receive information (RX) on the computer. You will also notice that the transmit pin on the computer is connected to the receive pin (RX) on the hub via wires 1 and 2. This is important because we want to make sure that data that is sent from the computer is received at the network hub. We also want to make sure that data sent from the hub is received at the computer, so you will notice that the transmit pins (TX) on the hub are connected to the receive pins (RX) on the computer through wires 3 and 6. This will allow the computer to receive information from the hub. The last thing to note about Figure 1-18 is that pin 1 on the computer is connected to pin 1 on the hub by the same wire, thus the term straight-through. You will notice that all pins are matched straight through to the other side in Figure.
Table: Different UTP Category Cabling
At some point, you may need to connect two computer systems directly together without the use of a hub, from network card to network card. To do this, you would not be able to use a straight-through cable because the transmit pin on one computer would be connected to the transmit pin on another computer, as shown in Figure a. How could a computer pick up the data if it was not sent to the receive pins? This will not work, so we will need to change the wiring of the cable to what is known as a crossover cable. In order to connect two systems directly together without the use of a hub, you will need to create a crossover cable by switching wires 1 and 2 with wires 3 and 6 at one end of the cable, as shown in Figure b. You will notice that the transmit pins on Computer A are connected to the receive pins on Computer B, thus allowing Computer A to send data to Computer B. The same applies for Computer B to send to Computer A—pins A and B on Computer B are wired to pins 3 and 6 on Computer A so that Computer A can receive data from Computer B.
Figure. 1

Figure. 2
A rollover cable is a popular cable type in the networking world and is used to connect to a Cisco device such as a router or a switch. Also known as a console cable, this cable connects from the computer’s serial port to the console port of the router or switch. Once the network administrator connects to the console port, he or she is then able to configure the router or switch.

Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable is very similar to UTP cabling, but it differs from UTP in that it uses a layer of insulation within the protective jacket, which helps maintain the quality of the signal. Figure 1-22 shows the size of STP cabling as compared to UTP.

The third type of cabling is fiber-optic cabling. Fiber-optic cabling is unlike coax and twisted-pair, because both of those types have a copper wire that carries the electrical signal. Fiber-optic cables use optical fibers that carry digital data signals in the form of modulated pulses of light. An optical fiber consists of an extremely thin cylinder of glass, called the core, surrounded by a concentric layer of glass, known as the cladding. There are two fibers per cable one to transmit and one to receive. The core also can be an optical-quality clear plastic, and the cladding can be made up of gel that reflects signals back into the fiber to reduce signal loss. Figure shows fibers in a fiber-optic cable.

There are two types of fiber-optic cables: single-mode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF).

SINGLE-MODE FIBER: Uses a single ray of light, known as a mode, to carry the transmission over long distances.

MULTIMODE FIBER: Uses multiple rays of light (modes) simultaneously, with each ray of light running at a different reflection angle to carry the transmission over short distances.

Fiber-optic cable supports up to 1000 stations and can carry the signal up to and beyond 2 kilometers. Fiber-optic cables are also highly secure from outside interference, such as radio transmitters, arc welders, fluorescent lights, and other sources of electrical noise. On the other hand, fiber-optic cable is by far the most expensive of these cabling methods, and a small network is unlikely to need these features. Depending on local labor rates and building codes, installing fiber-optic cable can cost as much as $500 per network node.
Figure: Fiber-Optic Cable
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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mehak Cloth's


Organizations of different sizes, structures, and budgets need different types of networks. A local newspaper company has needs for its network that would be different from the needs of a multinational company. Networks can be divided into one of two categories: peer-to-peer or server-based networks.

A peer-to-peer network has no dedicated servers; instead, a number of workstations are connected together for the purpose of sharing information or devices. When there is no dedicated server, all workstations are considered equal; any one of them can participate as the client or the server. Peer-to-peer networks are designed to satisfy the networking needs of home networks or of small companies that do not want to spend a lot of money on a dedicated server but still want to have the capability to share information or devices. For example, a small accounting firm with three employees that needs to access customer data from any of the three systems or print to one printer from any of the three systems may not want to spend a lot of money on a dedicated server. A small peer-to-peer network will allow these three computers to share the printer and the customer information with one another. The extra cost of a server was not incurred because the existing client systems were networked together to create the peer-to-peer network. The Microsoft term for a peer-to-peer network is a workgroup. Be aware that peer-to-peer networks typically consist of fewer than 10 systems. Most of the modern operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows Vista already have built-in peer-to-peer networking capabilities, which is why building a peer-to-peer network would be a “cheap” network solution. The disadvantage of a peer-to-peer network is the lack of centralized administration—with peer-to-peer networks, you need to build user accounts and configure security on each system.
Figure: Peer-To-Peer Network
It is important to note that peer-to-peer networks are designed for fewer than 10 systems, and with Microsoft client operating systems such as Windows XP Professional, only 10 concurrent network connections to those clients are allowed. This means that if you have 15 or 20 employees, you eventually will need to implement a server-based network.
A big disadvantage of peer-to-peer networking is that you can’t do your day-today administration in a single place. With peer-to-peer networking, user accounts typically are created on all the systems, and data files are stored throughout all the systems. This leads to a more complicated environment and makes your job harder as a network administrator. Usually after four or five systems have been networked, the need for a dedicated server to store all of the user accounts and data files becomes apparent this is a server-based network.
The advantage of a server-based network is that the data files that will be used by all of the users are stored on the one server. This will help you by giving you a central point to set up permissions on the data files, and it will give you a central point from which to back up all of the data in case data loss should occur. With a server-based network, the network server stores a list of users who may use network resources and usually holds the resources as well.
Figure: Server-Based-Network
The server in a server-based network may provide a number of different services. The services it will offer to the network usually are decided by the server’s role.
There are a number of different roles that a server could play on a network:
  • File and print servers 
  • Application servers 
  • Web servers 
  • Directory servers 
File and print servers control and share printers and files among clients on the network. File and print servers were the original reason to have a network; a large number of users needed access to the same files, so the files were placed on a server, and all clients were connected to the server when they needed to work with the files.

File servers often have the following characteristics:
  • Large amounts of memory 
  • Fast hard disks 
  • Multiple CPUs 
  • Fast I/O buses 
  • High-capacity tape drives 
  • Fast network adapters 
  • Redundant power supplies 
  • Hot-swappable hard disks and power supplies 
File and print servers also check the access control list (ACL) of each resource before allowing a user to access a file or use a printer. If the user or a group to which the user belongs is not listed in the ACL, the user is not allowed to use the resource, and an “access denied” message appears on the user’s screen. Application servers are servers that run some form of special program on the server. A good example of an application server is a server that runs the company’s e-mail server. The e-mail server software is special software that can be run on a server operating system. Another example of software that would run on an application server is a database server product such as Microsoft SQL Server. A database server is a server that holds the company’s core business data and typically gives this data to custom applications that run on the workstations. These are some applications that you might find on an application server:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 
  • Oracle 
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 
  • IBM Lotus Domino 
Web servers are servers that run the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and are designed to publish information on the Internet or the corporate intranet. Web servers are popular in today’s businesses because they host web applications (web sites) for the organization. These web applications could be designed for internal use, or they could be used to publish information to the rest of the world on the Internet. Examples of web server software are Microsoft’s Internet Information Services that runs on Windows or Apache web server software that runs on UNIX/Linux, Novell NetWare, and Windows. Directory servers hold a list of the user accounts that are allowed to log on to the network. This list of user accounts is stored in a database (known as the directory database) and can store information about these user accounts such as address, city, phone number, and fax number. A directory service is designed to be a central database that can be used to store everything about such objects as users and printers. In a server-based network environment, the centralized administration comes from the fact that the directory server stores all user accounts in its directory database. When a user sits at a client machine to log on to the network, the logon request is sent to this directory server. If the username and password exist in the directory database, the client is allowed to access network resources. It is important to note that a server can have numerous roles at the same time. A server can be a file and print server, as well as an application server, or it can be a file, print, and directory server all at the same time. Because a single server can perform multiple roles, a company will not need to purchase an additional server every time a new product (or feature) is implemented on the network, and this fact reduces the cost of a server-based network.
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Friday, May 27, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


There are two different techniques that may be used to transmit the signal along the network wire which are base-band communication and broadband communication.

Sends digital signals through the media as a single channel that uses the entire bandwidth of the media. The signal is delivered as a pulse of electricity or light, depending on the type of cabling being used. Baseband communication is also bidirectional, which means that the same channel can be used to send and receive signals. BROADBAND
Sends information in the form of an analog signal, which flows as electromagnetic waves or optical waves. Each transmission is assigned to a portion of the bandwidth, so unlike with baseband communication, it is possible to have multiple transmissions at the same time, with each transmission being assigned its own channel or frequency. Broadband communication is unidirectional, so in order to send and receive, two pathways will need to be used. This can be accomplished either by assigning a frequency for sending and assigning a frequency for receiving along the same cable or by using two cables, one for sending and one for receiving.
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Mehak Cloth's


It is typical for networks to implement a mixture of topologies to form a hybrid topology. For example, a very popular hybrid topology is a star-bus topology, in which a number of star topologies are connected by a central bus. This is a popular topology because the bus will connect hubs that are spread over distance. Another very popular hybrid topology is the star-ring topology. The star-ring topology is popular because it looks like a star but acts as a ring. For example, there is a network architecture known as Token Ring (more on this later, in the section “Network Architectures”) that uses a central “hub” type device, but the internal wiring makes a ring. Physically it looks like a star, but logically it acts as a ring topology.
Figure: Hybrid Topology.
Advantages of Hybrid Network Topology
1) Reliable: Unlike other networks, fault detection and troubleshooting is easy in this type of topology. The part in which fault is detected can be isolated from the rest of network and required corrective measures can be taken, WITHOUT affecting the functioning of rest of the network.
2) Scalable: Its easy to increase the size of network by adding new components, without disturbing existing architecture.
3) Flexible: Hybrid Network can be designed according to the requirements of the organization and by optimizing the available resources. Special care can be given to nodes where traffic is high as well as where chances of fault are high.
4) Effective: Hybrid topology is the combination of two or more topologies, so we can design it in such a way that strengths of constituent topologies are maximized while there weaknesses are neutralized. For example we saw Ring Topology has good data reliability (achieved by use of tokens) and Star topology has high tolerance capability (as each node is not directly connected to other but through central device), so these two can be used effectively in hybrid star-ring topology.
Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology
1) Complexity of Design: One of the biggest drawback of hybrid topology is its design. Its not easy to design this type of architecture and its a tough job for designers. Configuration and installation process needs to be very efficient.
2) Costly Hub: The hubs used to connect two distinct networks, are very expensive. These hubs are different from usual hubs as they need to be intelligent enough to work with different architectures and should be function even if a part of network is down.
3) Costly Infrastructure: As hybrid architectures are usually larger in scale, they require a lot of cables, cooling systems, sophisticate network devices, etc.

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Engr. Aneel Kumar


Basically, the DSTATCOM system is comprised of three main parts: a Voltage Source Converter (VSC), a set of coupling reactors and a controller. The basic principle of a DSTATCOM installed in a power system is the generation of a controllable ac voltage source by a voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a dc capacitor (energy storage device). The ac voltage source, in general, appears behind a transformer leakage reactance. The active and reactive power transfer between the power system and the DSTATCOM is caused by the voltage difference across this reactance. The DSTATCOM is connected to the power networks where the voltage-quality problem is a concern. All required voltages and currents are measured and are fed into the controller to be compared with the commands. The controller then performs feedback control and outputs a set of switching signals to drive the main semiconductor switches (IGBT’s, which are used at the distribution level) of the power converter accordingly.
Figure: Block Diagram of the voltage source converter based DSTATCOM
The AC voltage control is achieved by firing angle control. Ideally the output voltage of the VSI is in phase with the bus (where the DSTATCOM is connected.) voltage. In steady state, the dc side capacitance is maintained at a fixed voltage and there is no real power exchange, except for losses. The DSTATCOM differs from other reactive power generating devices (such as shunt Capacitors, Static VAR Compensators etc.) in the sense that the ability for energy storage is not a rigid necessity but is only required for System unbalance or harmonic absorption.
There are two control objectives implemented in the DSTATCOM. One is the ac voltage regulation of the power system at the bus where the DSTATCOM is connected. And the other is dc voltage control across the capacitor inside the DSTATCOM. It is widely known that shunt reactive power injection can be used to control the bus voltage. In conventional control scheme, there are two voltage regulators designed for these purposes. AC voltage regulator for bus voltage control and dc voltage regulator for capacitor voltage control. In the simplest strategy, both the regulators are proportional integral (PI) type controllers.
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Engr. Aneel Kumar


A network topology is the physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on a network. There are a number of different network topologies, and a network may be built using multiple topologies. The different types of network layouts are
  1. Bus topology
  2. Star topology
  3. Mesh topology
  4. Ring topology
  5. Hybrid topology
  6. Wireless topology
A bus topology uses one cable as a main trunk to connect all of the systems together. A bus topology is very easy to set up and requires no additional hardware such as a hub. The cable is also called a trunk, a backbone, or a segment.

With a bus topology, when a computer sends out a signal, the signal travels the cable length in both directions from the sending computer. When the signal reaches the end of the cable length, it bounces back and returns in the direction it came from. This is known as signal bounce. Signal bounce is a problem, because if another signal is sent on the cable length at the same time, the two signals will collide and be destroyed and then must be retransmitted. For this reason, at each end of the cable there is a terminator. The terminator is designed to absorb the signal when the signal reaches the end, preventing signal bounce. If there is no termination, the entire network fails because of signal bounce, which also means that if there is ever a break in the cable, you will have unterminated ends and the entire network will go down.

A bus is a passive topology, which means that the workstations on the bus are not responsible for regenerating the signal as it passes by them.

Since the workstations do not play an active role, the workstations are not a requirement of a functioning bus, which means that if a workstation fails, the bus does not fail. But if there is an unterminated end in the bus, the entire network will fail.

In a star topology, all computers are connected through one central device known as a hub or a switch. Each workstation has a cable that goes from the network card to the hub device. One of the major benefits of a star topology is that a break in the cable causes only the workstation that is connected to the cable to go down, not the entire network, as with a bus topology. Star topologies are very popular topologies in today’s networking environments.
A mesh topology is not very common in computer networking today. In a mesh topology, every workstation has a connection to every other component of the network.

In a ring topology, all computers are connected via a cable that loops in a ring or circle. A ring topology is a circle that has no start and no end. Because there are no ends, terminators are not necessary in a ring topology.

Signals travel in one direction on a ring while they are passed from one computer to the next, with each computer regenerating the signal so that it may travel the distance required.

It is typical for networks to implement a mixture of topologies to form a hybrid topology. For example, a very popular hybrid topology is a star-bus topology, in which a number of star topologies are connected by a central bus. This is a popular topology because the bus will connect hubs that are spread over distance.

Another very popular hybrid topology is the star-ring topology. The star-ring topology is popular because it looks like a star but acts as a ring. For example, there is a network architecture known as Token Ring that uses a central “hub” type device, but the internal wiring makes a ring. Physically it looks like a star, but logically it acts as a ring topology.

A wireless topology is one in which few cables are used to connect systems. The network is made up of transmitters that broadcast the packets using radio frequencies. The network contains special transmitters called cells, or wireless access points, which extend a radio sphere in the shape of a bubble around the transmitter.

This bubble can extend to multiple rooms and possibly floors in a building. The PCs and network devices have a special transmitter-receiver, which allows them to receive broadcasts and transmit requested data back to the access point. The access point is connected to the physical network by a cable, which allows it, and any wireless clients, to communicate with systems on the wired network.
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Mehak Cloth's


In a ring topology, all computers are connected via a cable that loops in a ring or circle. As shown in Figure 1, a ring topology is a circle that has no start and no end. Because there are no ends, terminators are not necessary in a ring topology. Signals travel in one direction on a ring while they are passed from one computer to the next, with each computer regenerating the signal so that it may travel the distance required.
Figure 1: Ring Topology
A major advantage of a ring topology is that signal degeneration is low because each workstation is responsible for regenerating or boosting the signal. With the other topologies, as the signal travels the wire, it gets weaker and weaker as a result of outside interference: eventually, it becomes unreadable if the destination system is too far away. Because each workstation in a ring topology regenerates the signal, the signal is stronger when it reaches its destination and seldom needs to be retransmitted.
The biggest problem with ring topologies is that if one computer fails or the cable link is broken, the entire network could go down. With newer technology, however, this isn’t always the case. The concept of a ring topology today is that the ring will not be broken when a system is disconnected; only that system is dropped from the ring. Isolating a problem can be difficult in some ring configurations. (With newer technologies, a workstation or server will put out a beacon if it notices a break in the ring.) Another disadvantage is that if you make a cabling change to the network or move a workstation, the brief disconnection can interrupt or bring down the entire network
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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mehak Cloth's


A mesh topology is not very common in computer networking today. In a mesh topology, every workstation has a connection to every other component of the network, as illustrated in Figure.
Figure: Mesh Topology
The biggest advantage of a mesh topology is fault tolerance, meaning that, if there is a break in a cable segment, traffic can be rerouted through a different pathway because there are multiple pathways to send data from one system to another. This fault tolerance means that it is almost impossible for the network to go down due to a cable fault.

A disadvantage of a mesh topology is the cost of the additional cabling and network interfaces to create the multiple pathways between each system. A mesh topology is very hard to administer and manage because of the numerous connections.
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Mehak Cloth's


In a star topology, all computers are connected through one central device known as a hub or a switch, as illustrated in Figure 1. Each workstation has a cable that goes from the network card to the hub device. One of the major benefits of a star topology is that a break in the cable causes only the workstation that is connected to the cable to go down, not the entire network, as with a bus topology. Star topologies are very popular topologies in today’s networking environments.
Figure 1: Star Topology
One advantage of a star topology is scalability and ease of adding another system to the network. If you need to add another workstation to the network with a star topology, you simply connect that system to an unused port on the hub. Another benefit is the fact that if there is a break in the cable it affects only the system that is connected to that cable. Figure 1-7 shows a hub with a few ports available. Centralizing network components can make an administrator’s life much easier in the long run. Centralized management and monitoring of network traffic can be vital to network success. With a star configuration, it is also easy to add or change configurations because all of the connections come to a central point.
Figure 2: Hub
On the flip side, if the hub fails in a star topology, the entire network comes down, so we still have a central point of failure. But this is a much easier problem to troubleshoot than trying to find a cable break with a bus topology. Another disadvantage of a star topology is cost. To connect each workstation to the network, you will need to ensure that there is a hub with an available port, and you will need to ensure you have a cable to go from the workstation to the hub. Today, the cost is increasingly less of a disadvantage because of the low prices of devices such as hubs and switches.
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Mehak Cloth's


A bus topology uses one cable as a main trunk to connect all of the systems together (shown in Figure.1). A bus topology is very easy to set up and requires no additional hardware such as a hub. The cable is also called a trunk, a backbone, or a segment. With a bus topology, when a computer sends out a signal, the signal travels the cable length in both directions from the sending computer. When the signal reaches the end of the cable length, it bounces back and returns in the direction it came from. This is known as signal bounce. Signal bounce is a problem, because if another signal is sent on the cable length at the same time, the two signals will collide and be destroyed and then must be re transmitted. For this reason, at each end of the cable there is a terminator. The terminator is designed to absorb the signal when the signal reaches the end, preventing signal bounce. If there is no termination, the entire network fails because of signal bounce, which also means that if there is ever a break in the cable, you will have unterminated ends and the entire network will go down, as shown in Figure 2. A bus is a passive topology, which means that the workstations on the bus are not responsible for regenerating the signal as it passes by them. Since the workstations do not play an active role, the workstations are not a requirement of a functioning bus, which means that if a workstation fails, the bus does not fail. But if there is an unterminated end in the bus, the entire network will fail.
Figure 1: Bus Topology
Figure 2: A break in the cable with the bus topology
One advantage of a bus topology is cost. A bus topology uses less cable than a star topology or a mesh topology, and you do not need to purchase any additional devices such as hubs. Another advantage of a bus topology is the ease of installation. With a bus topology, you simply connect the workstation to the cable segment or backbone. You need only the amount of cable to connect the workstation to the backbone. The most economical choice for a network topology is a bus topology, because it is easy to work with and a minimal amount of additional devices are required. Most importantly, if a computer fails, the network stays functional.

The main disadvantage of a bus topology is the difficulty of troubleshooting it. When the network goes down, it is usually due to a break in the cable segment. With a large network, this problem can be tough to isolate. Scalability is an important consideration in the dynamic world of networking. Being able to make changes easily within the size and layout of your network can be important in future productivity or downtime. The bus topology is not very scalable.
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Mehak Cloth's


Internet, intranet, and extranet are three terms that describe “Internet-type” applications that are used by an organization.

If you wish to expose information to everyone in the world, then you would build an Internet type application. An Internet-type application uses Internet protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or SMTP and is available to persons anywhere on the Internet. We use the Internet and web applications as ways to extend who the application can reach. For example, I no longer need to go to the bank to transfer funds. Because the bank has built a web site on the Internet, I can do that from the comfort of my own home.
Figure 1: Internet
An application is considered to be on the company’s intranet if it is using Internet-type protocols such as HTTP or FTP but the application is available only within the company. The information on a company’s intranet would not be accessible to persons on the Internet because it is not for public use. For example, a few years ago I was sitting with my banking officer going over my account and noticed that the bank had moved all of its customer account information to a web site and that the banking officer was using a web browser to retrieve my account details. Although the application was being used by a web browser, it was still an “internal” application meant only for banking officers.
Figure 2: Intranet
From time to time, an application that has been built for the company’s intranet and used by internal employees will need to be extended to select business partners or customers. If you extend your intranet out to select business partners or customers, you have created an extranet. An extranet cannot be used by anyone else external to the company except for those selected individuals. Figure displays the basic configurations of Internet, intranet, and extranet.
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Mehak Cloth's


Communication between two devices can be simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex.

In simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional, as on a one-way street. Only one of the two devices on a link can transmit; the other can only receive. Keyboards and traditional monitors are examples of simplex devices. The keyboard can only introduce input; the monitor can only accept output. The simplex mode can use the entire capacity of the channel to send data in one direction.
In half-duplex mode, each station can both transmit and receive, but not at the same time. When one device is sending, the other can only receive, and vice versa The half-duplex mode is like a one-lane road with traffic allowed in both directions. When cars are traveling in one direction, cars going the other way must wait. In a half-duplex transmission, the entire capacity of a channel is taken over by whichever of the two devices is transmitting at the time. Walkie-talkies and CB (citizens band) radios are both half-duplex systems. The half-duplex mode is used in cases where there is no need for communication in both directions at the same time; the entire capacity of the channel can be utilized for each direction.
Figure. Data flow (simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex)
In full-duplex mode (also called duplex), both stations can transmit and receive simultaneously. The full-duplex mode is like a two-way street with traffic flowing in both directions at the same time. In full-duplex mode, signals going in one direction share the capacity of the link with signals going in the other direction. This sharing can occur in two ways: Either the link must contain two physically separate transmission paths, one for sending and the other for receiving; or the capacity of the channel is divided between signals traveling in both directions. One common example of full-duplex communication is the telephone network. When two people are communicating by a telephone line, both can talk and listen at the same time. The full-duplex mode is used when communication in both directions is required all the time. The capacity of the channel, however, must be divided between the two directions.
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Mehak Cloth's


When we communicate, we are sharing information. This sharing can be local or remote. Between individuals, local communication usually occurs face to face, while remote communication takes place over distance.
Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable. For data communications to occur, the communicating devices must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware (physical equipment) and software (programs). The effectiveness of a data communications system depends on four fundamental characteristics: delivery, accuracy, timeliness, and jitter.

1. Delivery: The system must deliver data to the correct destination. Data must be received by the intended device or user and only by that device or user.
2. Accuracy: The system must deliver the data accurately. Data that have been altered in transmission and left uncorrected are unusable.
3. Timeliness: The system must deliver data in a timely manner. Data delivered late are useless. In the case of video and audio, timely delivery means delivering data as they are produced, in the same order that they are produced, and without significant delay. This kind of delivery is called real-time transmission.
4. Jitter: Jitter refers to the variation in the packet arrival time. It is the uneven delay in the delivery of audio or video packets. For example, let us assume that video packets are sent every 3D ms. If some of the packets arrive with 3D-ms delay and others with 4D-ms delay, an uneven quality in the video is the result.

A data communications system has five components

1. Message: The message is the information (data) to be communicated. Popular forms of information include text, numbers, pictures, audio, and video.
2. Sender: The sender is the device that sends the data message. It can be a computer, workstation, telephone handset, video camera, and so on.
3. Receiver: The receiver is the device that receives the message. It can be a computer, workstation, telephone handset, television, and so on.
4. Transmission medium: The transmission medium is the physical path by which a message travels from sender to receiver. Some examples of transmission media include twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, and radio waves.
5. Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications. It represents an agreement between the communicating devices.Without a protocol, two devices may be connected but not communicating, just as a person speaking French cannot be understood by a person who speaks only Japanese.
Figure: Five components of data communication.

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Engr. Aneel Kumar


A typical network involves having users sit at workstations, running such applications as word processors or spreadsheet programs. The workstation also is known as a client, which is just a basic computer running a client operating system such as Windows XP or Linux. These users typically store their files on a central server so that they can share the files with other users on the network. The server is a special computer that contains more disk space and memory than are found on client workstations. The server has special software installed that allows it to function as a server. This special software can provide file and print services (to allow sharing of files and printers), provide web pages to clients, or provide e-mail functionality to the company.
The term host refers to any computer or device that is connected to a network and sends or receives information on that network. A host can be a server, a workstation, a printer with its own network card, or a device such as a router. We can summarize by saying that any system or device that is connected to the network is known as a host.
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Friday, April 29, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


Switching techniques of pulse width modulation (PWM) have been popular in the area of power electronics and drive systems. PWM is commonly used in applications like motor speed control, converters audio amplifiers etc. PWM is used to adjust voltage applied to the motor. There is no single PWM method which can suite for all applications. As per the advanced technology in solid state power electronic devices and microprocessors, various pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques have been developed for different industrial applications. For the above reasons, the PWM techniques have been the subject of intensive research since 1970s. The main objective of the PWM is to control the inverter output voltage and to reduce the harmonic content in the output voltage. The pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques are mainly used for voltage control. These techniques are most efficient and they control the drives of the switching devices. The different PWM techniques are Single pulse width modulation, Multiple pulse width modulation, Phase displacement control, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Harmonic Injection modulation, Space Vector pulse width modulation, Hysteresis (Delta) pulse width modulation, Selective Harmonic Elimination and Current Controlled pulse width modulation. Hysteresis controller is used for Current source inverter and all the remaining PWM techniques are used for Voltage source inverter. Sinusoidal and Space Vector PWM techniques are most widely used. They control the output voltage as well as reduce the harmonics.
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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Engr. Aneel Kumar


Bluetooth doorbell is an advance doorbell which shows your image to the person standing at another side of this bell. This doorbell is made already! You can buy a wireless doorbell in any hardware store. However, this one you make yourself! Even better, as you get more confident with Arduino, you can modify it to make it uniquely yours. For instance, what if your Arduino triggers a music player instead of a buzzer to let you know that someone has pressed the button. This is very useful devices for home use. Left side of figure 1 shows the doorbell button, and right side of figure 1 shows the buzzer unit that is tucked away on a shelf inside.
Figure 1(a) The doorbell awaits visitors! (b) The buzzer unit sits discreetly on a shelf.

Parts Required:

In this project, one Arduino waits for a button press, while the other one sets off a buzzer when it detects that the button has been pressed. 
  • 2 Arduino Unos
  • 2 XBee wireless modules (Adafruit P/N 128)
  • 2 Adafruit XBee breakout boards (Adafruit P/N 126)
  • 2 mini breadboards (these are really small breadboards the sign of a postage stamp, Adafruit P/N 65)
  • Button (SparkFun P/N COM-10443)
  • A 330-ohm resistor
  • Buzzer (Jameco P/N 1956776)
  • Jumpers
  • 9v battery clip (Jameco P/N 105794)
  • 9v connector with barrel plug (Adafruit P/N 80)
  • 1/4-inch MDF for enclosure backing and sides
  • 5mm acrylic for enclosure front
  • 1-inch #4-40 bolts
  • Hot glue gunThe
1)   The Button 

The first part of this project is button. The button you use in the button unit, shown in Figure 2, is kind of intriguing because it has six connectors: two sets of positive and negative terminals that close when the button is pressed so you could have two circuits, both of which trip when the button is activated. The last two leads the white lugs in the photo are for powering the LED. Be sure to attach a resistor on the power lead so you don’t fry your LED inadvertently. I use a 330-ohm resistor in this project.

Figure 2: The button you use in the project has six connectors.
Instructions for Wiring up the Doorbell

The project consists of two Arduinos equipped with XBee modules and breakout boards. One Arduino has a button, and the other has a buzzer to sound out to let you know someone is at your door.

Button Unit

Let’s begin with the button unit (Figure 3), which consists of the following components:

A. 9V battery
B. XBee module
C. Mini breadboard
D. Arduino Uno
E. Button
F. Perfboard
Figure 3: The button unit before the acrylic is added.
Now, assemble these parts together as shown in Figure 4, and you can follow along with these steps:
Figure 4: The button unit consists primarily of a button, an Arduino, and the wireless module.
1. Plug in the XBee and its breakout board to a mini breadboard. 
2. Plug the XBee’s 5V to the 5V on the Arduino, its TX into RX, its RX into TX, and its GND pin to any free GND on the Arduino. 
3. Connect one of the button’s leads to pin 8 and the other to GND. (I use the breadboard to accommodate the GND leads coming from the button.) 
4. Solder a 330-ohm resistor and a jumper to the button’s LED’s power terminal, and connect the other end to the 3V3 port of the Arduino. The other terminal of the LED goes to GND. 

1) Buzzer Unit 

Next, connect the components that make up the buzzer unit, seen in Figure 5. These consist of the following: 

A. Arduino Uno
B. Mini breadboard
C. XBee wireless module
D. Buzzer
Figure 5: The buzzer unit waiting to be closed up. The outer holes are for wall mounting.
Next, use Figure 6 as a guide for connecting the various parts:
1. Plug in the XBee and its breakout board into a mini breadboard.
Figure 6: The buzzer unit consists of an Arduino, XBee, and buzzer.
2. Plug in the XBee’s 5V to the 5V on the Arduino, its TX into RX, its RX into TX, and its GND pin to any free GND on the Arduino. 
3. Connect the buzzer’s leads to the breadboard as well, as shown in Figure 6. You can connect them directly to the Arduino if you want, if you go this route, connect the red wire to pin 8 and the black wire to any free GND. 
4. To power the buzzer unit, use an Arduino-compatible wall wart or a 9V battery pack. 

Building the Doorbell Enclosures:

You next need to build the two enclosures for this project. The outside enclosure (see Figure 7) is designed to resist the elements.
Figure 7: The outside enclosure is made out of bent acrylic on a wooden back.
Button Unit Enclosure 

The button unit is the module that is on the outside of the door press the button to make the buzzer buzz! To make an enclosure, all you need is a box with a hole for the button, but I’ll show you how you can make one of your own. The one I made consists of a sheet of acrylic that I bent by heating it up, and then laying the flexible acrylic over a metal pipe to form a half-circle. I added the acrylic to a wooden back refer to Figure 4) to finish the enclosure. Here are the steps: 

1. Laser-cut the top, bottom, and back out of quarter-inch medium-density fiberboard  (MDF). If you don’t have access to a laser cutter, you can create a box out of pieces of wood, repurpose another container as an enclosure, or buy a commercial project enclosure. 
2. Laser-cut the front from 5mm acrylic. 
3. Glue the top and bottom wood pieces to the back wood piece. You might want to paint the wood! 
4. Attach the completed electronics. Use the #4-40 bolts for the Arduinos and hot glue for the buzzer, battery pack, and mini breadboards. 

If you aren’t using a laser cutter, you’ll need to drill mounting holes in the acrylic. You might want to mock it up using a sheet of paper first. 

5. Bend the acrylic front plate as described in the next section, “Bending Acrylic.” 
6. Attach the acrylic plate to the front so that the button can be pressed through the hole in the plastic. 
7. Install the unit outside your door of choice, and eagerly await your first visitor! 

Bending Acrylic 

For the outside button unit enclosure, you heat-bend acrylic (see Figure 8) to form a casing. This task is easy to learn because you don’t really need anything unusual or uncommon.
Figure 8: Bending acrylic is easy and gives a nice effect!
Acrylic (also known as Plexiglas) is also easy to heat and re-form. After it gets to the right temperature—not too hot or cool—the acrylic starts to bow and flex. When it gets a little hotter, it softens. That’s when you bend it how you want it, and let it cool into an awesome new shape! 

You need three things to get started: 

The acrylic to be bent 

I suggest 1/8 inch, though you might have luck with the thicker stuff. 

A form 

This is the surface over which the hot acrylic will cool and harden. You want this close to the actual curve you want the plastic to hold. The easiest form of all is the edge of a table. I used a rounded form a pipe to form the acrylic face. If you go this route, you’ll need to find a form that matches the curve of the shape you’re looking for. 

A source of heat

Heat guns (see Figure 9) and propane torches are common tools, though you can purchase commercial acrylic-heating strips (TAP Plastics has one for $80, P/N 169). Finally, you could heat up the plastic in an oven. This last technique is not for the faint of heart and you should definitely monitor the plastic closely so it doesn’t bubble or scorch.
Figure 9: Using a heat gun to soften acrylic.
Although you could conceivably use any heat-resistant surface to form your acrylic or even build your own out of pieces of wood in some respects, using the edge of the table is an easy choice because it bends the plastic perfectly, using gravity and the table’s surface to make a fairly perfect 90-degree bend. To bend plastic using the “edge of the table” technique, follow these steps: 

1. As shown in Figure 10, position the acrylic so the edge of the table is right where you want the plastic to bend. You’ll definitely want to weigh it down so it doesn’t move.
Figure 10: As the acrylic heats up, it starts to bend.
When it gets hot enough, gravity starts pulling the soft acrylic down, as shown in Figure 10. 

2. Position the acrylic how you want it to look and work quickly because after it cools, it becomes just as brittle as it was before. Don’t try to re-bend it without applying more heat!

Buzzer Unit Enclosure 

The buzzer unit doesn’t use plastic, because who wants plastic in their home? Instead, you can use a simple arrangement of wooden panels separated by bolts. I laser-cut two pieces of wood, one bigger than the other. (I ended up hand-drilling four additional holes, as shown in Figure 11, after changing my mind on how to proceed.)
Figure 11: I used laser-cut wood for the buzzer unit’s enclosure.
To connect the two pieces I used brass bolts, #10-24 and 2.5" long, with brass washers and nuts. This enclosure is considerably easier to do than the other enclosure and it looks great!

Wireless Doorbell Code

Upload the following code to your Arduinos.

Button Unit Code

The Button Unit sketch consists of a loop that waits for the button to be pressed, then transmits a wireless alert.

#include <Wire.h>
const int buttonPin = 8;
int buttonState = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() >= 2)
char start =;
if (start != ‘*’)
char cmd =;
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
else {
delay(50); //limit how fast we update

Buzzer Unit Code

The Buzzer Unit code is similarly plain. The loop monitors serial traffic, then sounds the buzzer when it detects the command from the Button Unit.

#include <Wire.h>
const int buzzerPin = 13;
void setup()
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
void process_incoming_command(char cmd)
int speed = 0;
switch (cmd)
case 1:
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
case 0:
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() >= 2)
char start =;
if (start != ‘*’)
char cmd =;
delay(50); //limit how fast we update

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