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All too often, ac power switchgear is installed at a facility and forgotten until a problem occurs. A careless approach to regular inspection and cleaning of switchgear has resulted in numerous failures, including destructive fires. The most serious fault in any switchgear assembly is arcing involving the main power bus. Protective devices may fail to open, or open only after a considerable delay. The arcing damage to bus bars and enclosures can be significant. Fire often ensues, compounding the damage.

Moisture, combined with dust and dirt, is the greatest deteriorating factor insofar as insulation is concerned. Dust or moisture are thought to account for as much as half of switchgear failures. Initial leakage paths across the surface of bus supports result in flashover and sustained arcing. Contact overheating is another common cause of switchgear failure. Improper circuit-breaker installation or loose connections can result in localized overheating and arcing.
An arcing fault is destructive because of the high temperatures present (more than 6000°F). An arc is not a stationary event. Because of the ionization of gases and the presence of vaporized metal, an arc can travel along bare bus bars, spreading the damage and sometimes bypassing open circuit breakers. It has been observed that most faults in three-phase systems involve all phases. The initial fault that triggers the event may involve only one phase, but because of the traveling nature of an arc, damage quickly spreads to the other lines.

Preventing switchgear failure is a complicated discipline, but consider the following general guidelines:

• Install insulated bus bars for both medium-voltage and low-voltage switchgear. Each phase of the bus and all connections should be enclosed completely by insulation with electrical, mechanical, thermal, and flame-retardant characteristics suitable for the application.

• Establish a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for the facility. Keep all switchboard hardware clean from dust and dirt. Periodically check connection points for physical integrity.

• Maintain control over environmental conditions. Switchgear exposed to contaminants, corrosive gases, moist air, or high ambient temperatures may be subject to catastrophic failure. Conditions favorable to moisture condensation are particularly perilous, especially when dust and dirt are present.

• Accurately select over current trip settings, and check them on a regular basis. Adjust the trip points of protection devices to be as low as possible, consistent with reliable operation.

• Divide switchgear into compartments that isolate different circuit elements. Consider adding vertical barriers to bus compartments to prevent the spread of arcing and fire.

• Install ground-fault protection devices at appropriate points in the power-distribution system.

• Adhere to all applicable building codes.


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