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A bare rock mountaintop location provides special challenges to the facility design engineer. There is no soil, thus there are no ground rods. Radials are the only means to develop a ground system. Install a large number of radials, laid straight, but not too taut. The portions not in contact with the rock are in air and form an inductance that will choke the surge current. Because rock is not conductive when it is dry, keep the radials short. Only a test measurement will determine how short the radials should be. A conventional earth-resistance tester will tell only half the story (besides, ground rods cannot be placed in rock for such a measurement). A dynamic ground tester offers the only way to obtain the true surge impedance of the system.


On bare rock, a radial counterpoise will conduct and spread the surge charge over a large area. In essence, it forms a leaky capacitor with the more conductive earth on or under the mountain. The conductivity of the rock will be poor when dry, but quite good when wet. If the site experiences significant rainfall before a lightning flash, protection will be enhanced. The worst case, however, must be assumed: an early strike under dry conditions.
The surge impedance, measured by a dynamic ground tester, should be 25Ω or less. This upper limit number is chosen so that less stress will be placed on the equipment and its surge protectors. With an 18 kA strike to a 25Ω ground system, the entire system will rise 450 kV above the rest of the world at peak current. This voltage has the potential to jump almost 15.75 in. (0.35 in./10 kV at standard atmospheric conditions of 25°C, 30 in. of mercury and 50% relative humidity).

For non-soil conditions, tower anchor points should have their own radial systems or be encapsulated in concrete. Configure the encapsulation to provide at least 3 in. of concrete on all sides around the embedded conductor. The length will depend on the size of the embedded conductor. Rebar should extend as far as possible into the concrete. The dynamic ground impedance measurements of the anchor grounds should each be less than 25Ω.

The size of the bare conductor for each tower radial (or for an interconnecting wire) will vary, depending on soil conditions. On rock, a bare no. 1/0 or larger wire is recommended. Flat, solid-copper strap would be better, but may be blown or ripped if not covered with soil. If some amount of soil is available, no. 6 cable should be sufficient. Make the interconnecting radial wires continuous, and bury them as deep as possible; however, the first 6 to 10 in. will have the most benefit. Going below 18 in. will not be cost-effective, unless in a dry, sandy soil where the water table can be reached and ground-rod penetration is shallow. If only a small amount of soil exists, use it to cover the radials to the extent possible. It is more important to cover radials in the area near the tower than at greater distances. If, however, soil exists only at the outer distances and cannot be transported to the inner locations, use the soil to cover the outer portions of the radials.

If soil is present, install ground rods along the radial lengths. Spacing between ground rods is affected by the depth that each rod is driven; the shallower the rod, the closer the allowed spacing.

Because the ultimate depth a rod can be driven cannot always be predicted by the first rod driven, use a maximum spacing of 15 ft when selecting a location for each additional rod. Drive rods at building corners first (within 24 in. but not closer than 6 in. to a concrete footer unless that footer has an encapsulated Ufer ground), then fill in the space between the corners with additional rods.

Drive the ground rods in place; do not auger; set in place, then back-fill. The soil compactness is never as great on augured-hole rods when compared with driven rods. The only exception is when a hole is augured or blasted for a ground rod or rebar and then back-filled in concrete. Because concrete contains lime (alkali base) and is porous, it absorbs moisture readily, giving it up slowly. Electron carriers are almost always present, making the substance a good conductor.

If a Ufer ground is not being implemented, the radials may be Cad-welded to a subterranean ring, with the ring interconnected to the tower foot-pad via a minimum of three no. 1/0 wires spaced at 120° angles and Cad-welded to the radial ring.


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