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is a reduction in the RMS voltage in the range of 0.1 to 0.9 pu (retained) for duration greater than hall a mains cycle and less than 1 minute, Often referred to as a ‘sag’, Caused by faults, increased load demand and transitional events such as large motor starting.


is an increase in the RMS voltage in the range of 1.1 to 1.8 pu for a duration greater than half a mains cycle and less than 1 minute, Caused by system faults, load switching and capacitor switching.


is an undesirable momentary deviation of the supply voltage or load current. Transients are generally classified into two categories: impulsive and oscillatory.


are periodic sinusoidal distortions of the supply voltage or load current caused by non-linear loads. Harmonics are measured in integer multiples of the fundamental supply frequency. Using Fourier series analysis the individual frequency components of the distorted waveform can be described in terms of the harmonic order, magnitude and phase of each component.


Distorted voltage or current wave-forms containing periodic distortions of a sinusoidal nature that are not integer multiples of the fundamental supply frequencies are termed inter harmonics.


is a term used to describe the visual effect of small voltage variations on electrical lighting equipment (particularly tungsten filament lamps). The frequency range of disturbances affecting lighting appliances, which are detectable by the human eye, is 1-30 Hz.


is defined as a deviation in the magnitude and/or phase of one or more of the phases, of a three-phase supply, with respect to the magnitude of the other phases and the normal phase angle (l200).


is a variation in frequency from the nominal supply frequency above/below a predetermined level, normally plus minus 0.1 percent.


is defined as a reduction in the supply voltage, or load current, to a level less than 0.1 pu for a time of not more than 1 minute. Interruptions can be caused by system faults, system equipment failures or control and protection malfunctions. Interruptions are considered to be measurable events coining under the field of ‘quality of supply’.


is defined as an interruption that has duration lasting in excess of one minute.

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