Sunday, June 09, 2024

Engr. Aneel Kumar

The Power Versus Angle Chart of a Salient Pole Generator


The power versus angle chart is a crucial tool for analyzing the performance of salient pole generators. This article examines the use of this chart to understand the relationship between power output and the load angle.

Load Angle and Power Output

The load angle (δ\delta) is the angle between the rotor magnetic field and the stator magnetic field. The power output of the generator is a function of this load angle, with the relationship described by the power versus angle chart.

Power-Angle Equation

The power output (PP) of a salient pole generator can be described by the following equation:

P=EfVXssin(δ)P = \frac{E_f \cdot V}{X_s} \cdot \sin(\delta)

Where EfE_f is the excitation voltage, VV is the terminal voltage, XsX_s is the synchronous reactance, and δ\delta is the load angle.


The power versus angle chart is a valuable tool for analyzing the performance of salient pole generators. Understanding this relationship helps in optimizing generator operation and maintaining system stability.

Engr. Aneel Kumar -

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