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Generators for standby power applications can be induction or synchronous machines. Most engine-generator systems in use today are of the synchronous type because of the versatility, reliability, and capability of operating independently that this approach provides. Most modern synchronous generators are of the revolving field alternator design. Essentially, this means that the armature windings are held stationary and the field is rotated. Therefore, generated power can be taken directly from the stationary armature windings. Revolving armature alternators are less popular because the generated output power must be derived via slip rings and brushes.

The exact value of the ac voltage produced by a synchronous machine is controlled by varying the current in the dc field windings, whereas frequency is controlled by the speed of rotation. Power output is controlled by the torque applied to the generator shaft by the driving engine. In this manner, the synchronous generator offers precise control over the power it can produce.
Practically all modern synchronous generators use a brushless exciter. The exciter is a small ac generator on the main shaft; the ac voltage produced is rectified by a three-phase rotating rectifier assembly also on the shaft. The dc voltage thus obtained is applied to the main generator field, which is also on the main shaft. A voltage regulator is provided to control the exciter field current, and in this manner, the field voltage can be precisely controlled, resulting in a stable output voltage.

The frequency of the ac current produced is dependent on two factors: the number of poles built into the machine, and the speed of rotation (rpm). Because the output frequency must normally be maintained within strict limits (60 or 50 Hz), control of the generator speed is essential. This is accomplished by providing precise rpm control of the prime mover, which is performed by a governor.

There are many types of governors; however, for auxiliary power applications, the isochronous governor is normally selected. The isochronous governor controls the speed of the engine so that it remains constant from no-load to full load, assuring a constant ac power output frequency from the generator. A modern system consists of two primary components: an electronic speed control and an actuator that adjusts the speed of the engine. The electronic speed control senses the speed of the machine and provides a feedback signal to the mechanical/hydraulic actuator, which in turn positions the engine throttle or fuel control to maintain accurate engine rpm.

The National Electrical Code provides guidance for safe and proper installation of on-site engine generator systems. Local codes may vary and must be reviewed during early design stages.


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