Saturday, September 27, 2014

Engr. Aneel Kumar


Since active material on a Plante plate consists of a thin layer of PbO2 formed on and from the surface of the lead plate, it must be made of large superficial area in order to get an appreciable volume of it. An ordinary lead plate subjected to the forming process as discussed above will have very small capacity. Its superficial area and hence its capacity, can be increased by grooving or laminating. Figure a, shows a Plante positive plate which consists of a pure lead grid with finely laminated surfaces. The construction of these plates consists of a large number of thin vertical lamination which are strengthened at intervals by horizontal binding ribs. This results in an increase of the superficial area 10 to 12 times that possessed by a plain lead sheet of the same overall dimensions.

The above design makes possible the expansion of the plate structure to accommodate the increase in mass and the value of the active material (PbO2) which takes place when the cell goes through a series of chemical changes during each cycle of charge or discharge. The expansions of the plate structure takes place downwards where there is room left for such purpose. Usually, a Plante positive plate expands by about 10% or so of its length during the course of its useful life.

Another type of Plante positive plate is the ‘rosette’ plate which consists of a perforated cast grid or framework of lead alloy with 5 to 12 per cent of antimony holding rosettes or spirals of corrugated pure lead tape. The rosettes (Figure b) provide the active material of the positive plate and, during formation; they expand in the holes of the grid which are countersunk on both sides of the grid. The advantages of such plates are that the lead-antimony grid is itself unaffected by the chemical action and the complete plate is exceptionally strong.

Other things being equal, the life of a Plante plate is in direct proportion to the weight of lead metal in it, because as the original layer of PbO2 slowly crumbles away during the routing charging and discharging of the cell, fresh active material is formed out of the underlying lead metal. Hence, the capacity of such a plate lasts as long as the plate itself. In this respect, Plante plate is superior to the Faure or pasted plate.

Engr. Aneel Kumar -

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